Issue Position: Congressional Gaming Caucus

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

In early 2013, the Congressional Gaming Caucus was reestablished by Congressmen Joe Heck (R-NV) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS). As the gaming industry continues to expand to new locations, more and more Members of Congress must be engaged on the gaming issues that affect their states and districts. Congressmen Heck and Thompson will serve as Co-Chairs of the caucus and are committed to working with their colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as representatives from the gaming industry, to identify key policy areas that can be advanced at a federal level to enhance the economic impact of gaming around the country.

The commercial casino industry has a significant impact on our economy, having supported approximately $125 billion in spending and nearly 820,000 jobs across the U.S. in 2010 alone. Additionally, some reports have shown that the commercial casino industry makes up almost 1% of our country's GDP. Congressmen Heck and Thompson both represent districts where gaming is a major key to economic growth and will use their firsthand knowledge of the industry and its impacts in directing the activities of the caucus.

The activities of the Congressional Gaming Caucus will initially focus on the following:

a. Addressing employment and economic issues -- to promote training and skills improvement which can make jobs available to constituents and economically empower gaming communities;

b. Interacting with gaming companies and their representatives to hear their concerns and to share Member's concerns;

c. Holding Member and staff level meetings on a regular basis to assure the effectiveness, viability, and relevance of the Caucus.
